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How to handle negative comments as a brand.

Jan 7, 2022 10:57:48 PM / by Byter Team posted in Insider, Social Media, Content Creation

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Now of course we all know that as a brand your entire existence depends on how positive customers view you. Your brand’s literal job is to make people want to buy from you. So a negative comment on a public forum can be very not good. 

A whole lot of negative comments are even worse.

Dealing with negative comments and feedback on social media is something a lot of brands misunderstand. 

Most Companies traditionally do not hear from happy customers very often or even hear from customers generally. So, if companies suddenly start getting a lot of people complaining, seemingly about the same issue (in a very public setting), companies will think it must be a very serious issue. This can often be not the case. For example, if you exist on Twitter or god forbid Tumblr. (why would you do that to yourself) for any amount of time you become aware, that is part of the platform’s culture to dogpile and spam attack for the smallest and stupidest of reasons.

Dealing with negative comments brings up the interesting dichotomy that now exists due to modern internet culture. This dichotomy is: to apologize or not to apologize.

The internet is full of tearful videos and statements from creators and brands apologizing for something or other. These apologies are for all things from awkward miss management of PR, to broken products, to the latest huge harassment scandal from say .. Blizzard Entertainment. In fact, apologizing is a whole industry, one apology video can spawn 500 analysis videos and keep the news cycle busy for a good few weeks. 

The most common sentiment among internet users these days is that apology videos mean nothing. They are just some fun sideshow to watch as the person apologizing goes down in flames. 

This is due to the repeated and provable insincerity of the apologies. I.e James Charles. Cough.

So, when your brand gets negative comments how do you handle it? 

I suggest the following. 

The first thing you have to do is be able to tell the difference between an actually unhappy client and someone just being annoying. The internet is a wide and amazing thing and is full of all of humanity. There are accounts dedicated to tweeting at the president of America photos of feet. There are accounts that will make haikus out of your comments if they fit a certain format.

So the reason why being able to tell apart legitimate complaints, and one dude with five email accounts and a grudge, is important as each circumstance has a completely different handling style, and have completely different outcomes for your brand

So the normal, standard, in theory, polite way of handling legitimate complaints and small negative comments are as follows:

  • Don’t ignore the negative comments, reply as soon as you see them/ are able to
  • Be polite, self-explanatory
  • Personalize your message, respond to the actual individual issue, do not send out a general corporate message
  • Explain yourself, you want your explanation in writing
  • Learn from your mistakes, don’t do it again?
  • Don’t make false promises, you will get caught ou and this will show you are insincere 
  • Take it out of the spotlight, maybe thank them in the comments, and then request they move to DMs as opposed to doing the whole thing in the comments?
  • Generate positive comments   <- be careful of the timing this last one there has been some embarrassing results when done wrong

If the customer has a legitimate complaint then deal with it like a decent human being. All of the steps above are just that. 


The Second more interesting issue is dealing with negative comments that are not legitimate. These can be from anything from special interest harassment campaigns to just one person with seven bots. These can be from people who have misread one tweet and are now convinced that your small cupcake company is stealing pet cats. Or they can just be very bored people who want attention and free stuff. Or, worse, a combination of all three.

In these situations, apologies will not help you, in fact, they are often viewed as signs of weakness or admission of guilt and in the long run, will make your situation so much worse.

Often if you are being dogpiled for something that you are quite sure isn’t something bad, the only real option is to batten down your hatches, and ride out the storm. These will classically only be very bad for maybe a week until something else pops up and the mob moves on.

If you attempt to apologize to that kind of mob, your apology will never be enough for the angry responders. This is because they have already made up their mind about you, nothing you can say will change this. Your apology is an admission of guilt. So the best you can do is double down and stick to your guns until the other party gets bored. That way the followers who do believe you are not in the wrong will feel vindicated that you didn’t bow down and will keep following you. 

If you apologize you lose the support of your side and do NOT gain the support of the other side. So you are stuck between a roc kand a hard place

Lastly, you must remember that good old Marketing saying: all publicity is good publicity. 

If you want more slightly humorous takes on branding in the modern climate of social media, check out our other blogs

Hopefully, you never end up on the receiving end of an internet mob. We believe in you!

Have fun!

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5 Tips To Improve Your Instagram Ranking

Jan 7, 2022 10:57:02 PM / by Byter Team posted in Social Media, Content Creation


People will weep and complain that the algorithm is throttling them etc etc, without actually knowing if the algorithm is actually doing that. The one advantage of this obscurity is that it is incredibly hard to game the system. No one actually knows what they are doing.  No one can tell you exactly, for sure, a step-by-step successful strategy for Instagram.  There are as many different strategies as there are users.

But, despite saying this, there are some things that will always help your Instagram page grow consistently.

1- Use carousel posts 

Carousel posts are simply posts that have more than one image in them, users swipe left to see them. You can put up to 10 images now. These posts are great for driving engagement, as users spend more time on them as they have more to see, and also they need to tap the photo to see what is next.

According to Hootsuite, carrousel posts drive 3x the engagement and 1.4x the reach of other post types.


2- Put Instagram story stickers

Instagram stories have a wide variety of interactive stickers you can use. these stickers range from polls, questions, sliders, to time stamps, countdowns.  These stickers are a fun, engaging, and awesome way to get feedback from your target audience. 

If your audience interacts with your stories this tells the Instagram algorithm that manages who sees your content that they are worth showing to more people  


3- Pay attention to hashtags 

Hashtags are primarily used for post categorisation. Swap your hashtags around regularly to make sure that they match the content of your post. There is currently a debate going on about whether using the full set of 30 hashtags or only using a few is the most successful. If you use all 30 hashtags then your post will pop up in the recent under more categories. But then there is a rumor that the algorithm punishes the use of all 30 hashtags with less reach. This last assumption is neither confirmed nor denied so do with that as you will.


4- Interact with members of your community online

When you tap on a hashtag Instagram will take you to all the other posts under that hashtag. If you look at the top posts section they will all have a lot of likes and will probably be from already successful accounts. If you go to the recent section you will get the most recent sets of posts regardless of the size of the account. Interact with those posts in a positive manner and you are more likely to get known in the community and that interaction will mean more people will come back to check out your account.

5- Check Instagram Analytics 

under the Instagram insights tab you can see rough statistics about your audience. This can help you understand which of your posts performs best and what type of content your followers enjoy seeing from you. Of course, being exactly accurate about what posts do best can be a little difficult since the data is quite simple, but it can help you point in the right direction


Instagram purposely keeps its algorithms a secret so as to prevent anyone from gaming the system. Because of this, no one can give you a surefire, exact step-by-step way to grow your accounts. There are simply methods that have been tested and over time have bought slow-burn success.

Remember kids, people promising you instant overnight social media success are the same people selling the overpriced courses. The only real way, apart from the lucky ones, is to turn up every day with something of value to give your audience.

Good luck fellow plodders!

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New Instagram Monetization features for creators

Jan 7, 2022 10:56:17 PM / by Byter Team posted in Social Media, Content Creation, Copywriting


Instagram is attempting to monetize itself in a similar way to youtube, by creating its own version of the partnership program. Interestingly, Instagram and Facebook are rolling out new and innovative ways in which creators can monetize their content, all while throttling the organic reach any new creators or small accounts will get.

Until recently Instagram has relied on basic advertising for revenue, but they are attempting to make the monetization all-pervasive to incentivize users to remain on the platform longer. Many of these rollouts will benefit already established big creators but will not really help smaller beginner creators. But despite this facebook held their first Creator week declaring the importance of creators to the platform and their promise to support them.

So below is a summary of the latest Instagram features for monetization

  1. Instagram Affiliate Tool

One of the major launches is the news that Instagram is beginning to roll out a native affiliate tool. This new tool will enable creators to discover new products available for purchase in the app, then share them with their followers and earn commissions for any subsequent purchases that they drive.

The new process will enable eligible creators to choose from products available in the app to add to their posts. And if users tap through on their post, and go on to make a purchase, the creator will get a commission – so it’s essentially an influencer marketing process without the creator having to do any of the negotiation or leg-work to put the incentive deal in place.

The keyword is “eligible”. Of course, Instagram will not allow any old creator to enter into affiliate partnerships, as that might result in some embarrassing situations. But Instagram has not specified what makes you eligible yet. It will very likely be some kind of combination of follower count and verification or something like Twitter. 


The affiliated content will have a special ‘eligible for commission’ tag so the potential buyers can know that by purchasing that product they also support their favorite creator.

Currently, this tool is tested with US-based creators such as Kopari, Benefit, MAC, Pat McGrath Labs, and Sephora and it is planned to expand to more creators in the future. 


  1. Creators Instagram Shops 

The beginnings of the shopping tools on Instagram date back 2 years ago when they first introduce Instagram Checkout and after a few iterations and rollouts, the platform has evolved in providing dedicated Facebook Shops. and also Instagram Shops, for each of the networks respectively that mostly use the same platform in the backend. 

Instagram Shops are extremely valuable for Creators who sell their own products. It is probably the most innovative mobile and e-commerce solution that makes it easy for the sellers and also for the buyers to make a quick and secure purchase right on their mobile phones. 

Instagram rollout a global option allowing Creators to link Instagram shops not just with their brands business profile but also with their personal accounts in order to expand the reach of their product lines

Creators can use Bravado/UMG, Fanjoy, Represent, and Spring to make new product launches and excite their Instagram followers. This will be available at the end of the year. 


  1. Instagram Live Badges

These seem to be very similar to twitch donations for those of you familiar with that platform

Instagram badges are a feature that allows you to show support to creators during a live video. When you purchase a badge during a live video, a heart icon appears next to your name in the comments.

Once badges are purchased:

Badges will remain next to your name during that live.

Your hearts are highlighted in the comments field during that live.

Your Instagram name appears on a list visible to the creator of that live video for up to 90 days.

If you ask a question during that live, your question will be highlighted to the creator.

If you make a comment during that live chat, your comment may be pinned by the creator.

Also similar to this is Facebook live stars. These again your audience can send to you while you live stream For every Star you receive, Facebook will pay you $0.01 USD.

In the hope to boost interaction, Facebook is launching Stars Challenges. This allows Creators in the program to earn payouts from Facebook in the form of free Stars, if they meet certain milestones, such as broadcasting a certain number of hours or earning a set number of Stars within a designated time period

4. Waiving commission

Last but not least, Instagram has removed any commissions until the end of next year. ‘Products where users pay creators directly we are waiving all fees through the end of next year,”

… Which means, that once the year is over… you will be paying Instagram commissions. So yes, these new tools are very interesting and will probably be very beneficial to creators. But these new updates will be making Instagram more like a streaming platform, pay to play. These new updates will very likely skew the benefits towards pre-established creators 

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Different types of traffic to your website

Jan 7, 2022 10:55:23 PM / by Byter Team posted in Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Web Design


When you put up your website you think people will just sort of pop up and see your website? Most people are not aware of the different types of traffic you can get to your website. People come to your website from a variety of different places. They can come from your social media links, they can come from paid adverts, they can come from organic search. Each of these places is different and means different things for your website and by extension your business.

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Every small business has its own unique set of problems

Jan 7, 2022 10:54:29 PM / by Byter Team posted in Digital Marketing, Social Media, Branding


When you are just starting a business there are many things to think about, your product, prices, production, sales. Marketing is one of the fundamental aspects of your business, as it encompasses so much, and much of the rest of your business depends on it.

Without adequate marketing, no matter how good your product is, ‘you ain’t going nowhere. I can’t give you exact advice to follow, as I do not know your exact situation, but I can give some fundamental advice. Of course, you can find many books on this subject written in much more depth, research these topics, as we all know, reading is fundamental.

This blog is more of a pointer towards areas you should check upon.


  • Not making a written marketing plan or budget 

If you do not plan what you are going to do, you are going to get lost very very quickly. A common mistake made by business owners who are just starting is assuming that they can just muddle along and go with the punches. This often results, especially in marketing, in a lot of work being done with no useful results. If you do not make and write down a marketing plan you are unlikely to have a consistent approach to marketing your product. And we like consistency.

For a more in-depth look at marketing plans check out


  • Targeting the wrong audience

This can be an interesting problem, most small businesses either have a really specific niche audience or have a very vague one. For example, a cake-making business is aiming for anyone who wants a cake in your area, then there may be a very specific niche business that makes skateboards exclusively for one subculture. Niche marketing makes targeting your audience much easier, but if you are selling a more generic product, you have to think about this.


  • Not differentiating your product or service

This, like the previous mistake,  can be a bit difficult if you are selling generic items,  but it is even more vital. If you are selling a generic item then differentiation is vital to your sales strategy, Of course, if you are selling a unique product you will be different to start with. Lastly, if you are lucky, and you have found your unique selling point, but you do not communicate this efficiently to your audience, then you have failed. 


  • Not comparing to your competitions

They say comparison is the thief of joy, and they do have a point, but as a business owner, if you do not compare yourself to others in your industry, it will not end well. It can be dispiriting to compare yourself to already established companies, it can make you feel inadequate, but, it can also be incredibly useful. These already established companies have already done a lot of work for you, they have already made mistakes for you, all you have to do is learn from them. Comparing yourself will also help you figure out how to differentiate yourself. It will also give you ideas on how to engage with your target audience and community  


  • Not having a website/ home page/ landing page 

This mistake is often done by companies that use social media a lot, they will have an Instagram, a Facebook or Twitter, but will not have a website. This website should serve as a landing page for all customers. It should have all the professional vital information about your company, such as location, opening times, mission statement, products, etc. This landing page is not only useful for information gathering but it also makes your company seem more legitimate to your audience. Like how a brick and mortar store makes your company look more legitimate 


  • Not investing in understanding your social media 

There is nothing more embarrassing than setting up social media but then bombing because you have absolutely no understanding of the culture of the people you are trying to engage with. Not investing time in understanding our social media, can at best result in a dead account, at worst result in your brand getting seriously damaged. You can’t understand social media by reading about it, you have to spend time on it and watch how other people do it.


These mistakes seem pretty obvious, and you probably thought I know all of this, but you would be surprised how many people ignore the basics. You are never too good to not do the fundamentals.

Don’t forget your fundament! Good luck with your small business

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Does anyone actually know what SEO is and does?

Jan 7, 2022 10:53:31 PM / by Byter Team posted in Social Media, SEO, Search Engines


The term SEO gets bandied around a lot, and many of us have a vague idea as to what it refers to, but most of us would have a hard time explaining exactly what it is? And why you would actually need it other than, “oh I remember reading blog ages ago and it said it was important”. if you want a more in-depth look at SEO and how it works and how to do it check out this other blog post on our website!

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Below I have listed 6 cynical (and free) tips to help you with your branding

Jan 7, 2022 10:52:48 PM / by Byter Team posted in Digital Marketing, Social Media


Brand differentiation is very difficult in our flooded marketplace. You can spend a fortune on photos, branded stationery or even spend hours scrolling through Canva trying to find the perfect font.

If you google how to do brand differentiation, you will find many articles, listing out the variety of online tools to use to make your social media presence stand out. But in the end, all you need is a unique voice; and that’s free.

But, you say, I am not unique or interesting! Now the interesting thing to remember here, is you don’t need to have an interesting personality. You can be very boring. Most successful social media creators do not have a personality at all, and that has never stopped them.

1. Assess your audience’s interests.

Lurk around in the culture of your audience online on the platform you choose. Find the popular hashtags, look through their content, see how much you can create yourself. See how you are the same, and how you are different. Do this for at least a good month before approaching. Do some reading up about the culture you are planning on being involved in, look up the big memes associated with the culture, check up its history. This will save you from embarrassment in the long run. Don’t be like the Tramp Stamps, and get chased off your platform by mockery in under 9 hours of launching.

2. Create a persona to understand your audience.

Due to us all being complex and multifaceted beings, it will be difficult to maintain a consistent voice throughout your social media use without extensive practice. So instead of trying to be yourself online, create a customer service persona. Think to catfish, but more professional. For example, you may be a 50-year-old shoemaker from North Yorkshire, but you can always pretend to be a bubbly 20 something-year-old girl called Tracey when you write all your captions and think of content ideas. This persona will help you stay on brand, as you will be forced to think about what you post, thus making you more on brand. Think what would Tracey do?

3. Develop an identity for your brand.

Identities are built by association. When you have found out what your audience cares about, weigh in your opinion on it. Put out opinions that you would like your business to be associated with, and take care not to associate with people or opinions that are not popular. This can be a little tricky and delicate, if you use the wrong wording you can very easily land yourself in hot water. 

But here to help you out is a vast community of people who create synthesised, simplistic image-based content with which you can easily convey the message of your brand… Memes. These convenient things will help you create an identity, without you having to say anything.

4. Be Relatable, but not too relatable.

People are interested in people, well, the idea of people… The struggles that people face. Rather like reality television, we like to see other humans living their lives so we can compare ourselves. But they do not want to see reality, that’s too boring. Remember this. If you are going to try to grow your brand you need to seem relatable to your audience, without actually being relatable. Social media, no matter how fake it is, thrives on a veneer of relatability. As well as the well-edited and aesthetic photos, you normally post, post a selfie with minimal makeup, and tell your audience about your struggles. (Remember to edit your photo a little bit though… no one wants to see your ACTUAL worst). 

Do you work as an accountant? Post a video of you crying over someone’s books.  Do you make cakes? Then post your most messed-up cake as well. Post your worrying thoughts (curated, of course, no one wants to hear what you are worried about) as well as your successes. People will become attached to you, forming a parasocial relationship


If you are having a slow content day start drama. This can be alone with some hot and spicy takes on push-button issues. Or you can start drama with another, by attacking another creator or business in your area. This latter form is called co-branding and can be quite productive if done right.


For a more serious approach to personal branding check out our branding tips article!


Good luck little influencers! And remember, you have to have a little fun with your marketing.

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What is a marketing plan?

Jan 7, 2022 10:51:07 PM / by Byter Team posted in Digital Marketing, SEO, Copywriting, Sales and marketing


A marketing plan is a document that all companies use to outline their current status,  goals, budget and a plan of action. Specifically through the lens of the marketing department. Basically, a marketing plan is an outline of what you plan to do with your marketing for the next, definable time frame. Each plan is different depending on the company, the goals, and the marketing strategy. 

Even if you are a small business you will need to do this. If you don’t organise and plan, marketing will get disorganised very quickly, and you could end up overwhelmed with nothing to show for it. 

Below are the 9 standard items that you will want to look at in your marketing plan. 

Marketing plan structure 

1. Business Summary

This section simply outlines where your business is at now. Company name, headquarters, mission statement and general description. 

2. Business Initiative

In this section, you outline the projects that your marketing department wants to do. Campaigns that you would like to run, or experiments you would like to try.  This section should not be confused with the overall project outline that is put in the business plan. 

3. Customer analysis 

Market research section. Here you want to outline your ideal customer. You want t to create a buyer persona.  A buyer persona is a semi-fictional description of your ideal customer, focusing on traits like Age, Location, Title, Goals, Personal challenges. Pains, Triggering events

4. Competitor analysis 

Look at what your competitors are doing, and where you can make yourself stand out, (hint: Positioning, Market share, Offerings, Pricing)

5. Swot analysis 

Your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. you’ll write most of it based on your market research and your strategy

6. Marketing strategy

This section will outline in detail how you will sell your product. How will you offer something that your competitors are not offering? In a full-length business plan, this section will have the following (7 Ps of marketing): Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical Evidence. 

(For an in-depth explanation of these check out our blog about them) 

7. Budget

Don’t mistake the Budget element of your marketing plan with your product’s price or other company financials. Your budget describes how much money the business has allotted the marketing team to pursue the initiatives and goals outlined in the elements above. Things that may be included in your budget may be, paid promotions, photoshoots, events, outsourcing your marketing 

8. Marketing channels 

Where will your company promote your goods? Magazines, newspapers, billboards, and also, importantly what social media platforms will you be using. Use this section of your marketing plan to layout which social networks you want to launch a business page on, what you’ll use this social network for, and how you’ll measure your success on this network.

9. Financial projections 

Knowing the budget and doing analysis on the marketing channels you want to invest in, you should be able to come up with a plan for how much budget to invest in which tactics based on expected ROI.

The first step of doing anything is planning. You can very easily waste a lot of time and money on marketing and not achieve any of your goals. If you want to be successful, you have to carefully plan out your goal and strategy, then keep careful track of what you are doing and adjust your actions accordingly. A marketing plan is designed to help you achieve this. In a larger company, it helps you keep your team on track, and helps any kind of collaboration immensely. 

Happy planning! And remember, even supervillains have to do the planning.

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Marketing concepts 101: The 7 P’s of marketing

Jan 7, 2022 10:50:01 PM / by Byter Team posted in Marketing, Sales and marketing, PPC


What is it?

Otherwise known as the marketing mix. This marketing mix is a combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to influence consumers to purchase its products. The 7Ps acronym helps you sum up all the things in and around your product that you need to take into account when trying to market it. 

The acronym was originally coined in the 1960s as 4 Ps: 

1- Product, 

2- Placement,  

3- Price, 

4- Promotion.

Then, in the 1980s the other three more were added: Physical evidence, People and Processes.

When you have a product and you are attempting to figure out how to sell it, you need to ask yourself these questions about it. The 7P acronym is a simple mnemonic to help you to remember all the aspects of your product so that you do not miss a crucial part.

The 7 Ps

1- Product

What is your product? What problems does your product help solve for customers? Why is your product the best one to solve it? 

2- Price

What is the price of your product?The price of your product is based on what your customers are prepared to pay.Otherwise known as your customer’s perceived value of your product, and should of course result in a profit for you.

3- Place

Where your product is displayed and sold? How does this solve a customer problem? It could refer to anything from a warehouse or a high-street store to an e-commerce shop or cloud-based platform. With the invention of social media stores on facebook and instagram it is becoming increasingly easier to shop and advertise online

4- Promotion

How are you marketing this? Promotion refers to your advertising, marketing, and sales techniques. Influencer based? Are you going to do product placement in movies? Are you going to pull complicated marketing stunts?

5- People

The ‘people’ element of the 7Ps involves anyone directly, or indirectly, involved in the business-side of the enterprise.Your staff, your customer service.

6- Process

Describes a series of actions that are taken in delivering the product or service to the customer. Examining the process means assessing aspects such as the sales funnel, your payment systems, distribution procedures and managing customer relationships.

7- Physical Evidence

Physical evidence often takes two forms: evidence that a service or purchase took place and proof or confirmation of the existence of your brand.Validation essentially refers to visual aspects or quantifiable features of your brand, such as your website, your logo, business cards, a sign on your building, the brand’s headquarters and equipment, and your social media presence.

The 7 Ps are used by companies to identify key factors for their business, including what consumers want from them, how their product or service meets or fails to meet those needs, how their product or service is perceived in the world, how they stand out from their competitors, and how they interact with their customers. 

Good luck and happy marketing!

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3 tips on how to come up with ideas to make reels (without dancing)

Jan 7, 2022 10:49:11 PM / by Byter Team posted in Digital Marketing, Social Media, Content Creation


Reels are a relatively new feature on instagram, installed on the platform in the middle of 2020. These 15-30 second video format was created to compete with the success of tiktok. Because of their relative newness to instagram has put a more user friendly algorithm on them. Meaning, if you make reels, instagram will show them to more people, instead of throttling the reach, like a standard post. So obviously,  you want to make reels… a lot. BUT! You aren’t a content creator! You have other stuff to do! How are you supposed to keep coming up with short video ideas regularly? Also, please don’t make me dance.

1-  One word: Audios

Because instagram reels is copying tiktok, when creators make a reel, the visual and the audio is separate. The audio can be shared, or reused by other creators. This is how you get trending audios. Instagram has also recently introduced a stitch feature, again imitating tiktok. This feature allows you to put your video next to a pre-existing video, allowing you to piggyback off other creators. 

So, the key to being able to churn out the reels is: save audios.

As you scroll through reels you will notice the same audios being used again and again, byt different content creators. This is called a trend, follow trends. As a small content creator all you have to do is save the audio and repeat the trend. You do not need to search up trends, simply scroll and if you notice an audio being used a lot save it. The interesting thing about a lot of these audios is that they are usually pretty self explanatory as to what you have to do visually. And before you panic, no, they are not all dancing.

If you save sufficient audios, all you then have to do is go to the saved audio section and scroll through and select an audio. If you lack inspiration, simply look at what other creators have done with that audio, and it will become very clear what you can do. This strategy allows you to create original content for your online presence 

2- timelapses 

A very simple idea for reels, if you are a creator of things, is timelapses. All you have to do is set up your phone, film yourself making an item or product, then speed it up. People are always fascinated by the process of making things. It is a very easy reel idea that should not interfere too much with your everyday work. You also do not need to do timelapses of your product, you could sit your phone in your office window and catch the street life below you. You could do a timelapse of your fingers typing on the laptop if you have a boring office job. Timelapses can be 

3- vlogs

Lastly, you know youtube vlogs. On youtube, these are usually over 10 minutes, and are very often high production value. But on reels you are limited to 15- 30 seconds. All you need is to take a few very short clips or photos of your day as you go, and at the end of the day string them together with a popular audio and tadahhh! Instant reel! You can do a voice over, or simply text, or text to speech. It is a growing phenomenon on TikTok, micro vlogs of a person’s day. It is very fast paced, very easy to make it look exciting, and you do not need to actually show all of yourself, or even talk to camera. if you are not able to film all throughout your day, you could simply capture specific moments that you think might look good, like if you went to get coffee, or went to a park over lunch, simply capture a 15 second shot of it

On instagram people want aesthetically pleasing videos. Instagram is the platform for impossible beauty standards, but also a shallow appearance of authenticity.  So keep in mind when you make your videos the word “aesthetic”. Put a good filter, film the most visually interesting part of your day. Catch a sun beam on your coffee mug. Zoom in on some flowers. But remember above all, the more you do them, even if they suck at first, you will end up being a genius at reels. 

What’s your favorite tip for content inspiration?

Good luck! And reel them in

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